frontend 學習筆記 - organizing js
creating object
定義物件的時候用 object literal syntax 較好,這個的意思是把 property 跟 value 用類似 array 的方式來寫,例如說
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const myObject = { property: 'Value!', otherProperty: 77, "obnoxious property": function() { // do stuff! } }
可以用 dot notation 或者 bracket notation 拿資料
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// dot notation // 'Value!' // bracket notation myObject["obnoxious property"] // [Function]
function 定義在 prototype 比較好,不然每 new 一個 object 出來就會複製一次
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function Student(name, grade) { = name this.grade = grade } Student.prototype.sayName = function() { console.log( } Student.prototype.goToProm = function() { console.log("Eh.. go to prom?") }
prototypal inheritance 建議用
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function Student() { } Student.prototype.sayName = function() { console.log( } function EighthGrader(name) { = name this.grade = 8 } EighthGrader.prototype = Object.create(Student.prototype) const carl = new EighthGrader("carl") carl.sayName() // console.logs "carl" carl.grade // 8
Factory function
因為用 constructor 可能會有很多可能會有很多非預期錯誤,所以可以使用 factory function 來 create object
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const personFactory = (name, age) => { const sayHello = () => console.log('hello!'); return { name, age, sayHello }; }; const jeff = personFactory('jeff', 27); console.log(; // 'jeff' jeff.sayHello(); // calls the function and logs 'hello!'
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const Person = (name) => { const sayName = () => console.log(`my name is ${name}`); return {sayName}; } const Nerd = (name) => { // simply create a person and pull out the sayName function with destructuring assignment syntax! const {sayName} = Person(name); const doSomethingNerdy = () => console.log('nerd stuff'); return {sayName, doSomethingNerdy}; } const jeff = Nerd('jeff'); jeff.sayName(); //my name is jeff jeff.doSomethingNerdy(); // nerd stuff
有 getter 跟 setter 可以用
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class User { constructor(name) { // invokes the setter = name; } get name() { return this._name; } set name(value) { if (value.length < 4) { alert("Name is too short."); return; } this._name = value; } }
打包檔案的模組化好工具,可以看這個人的 介紹
SOLID principle
- Single Responsibility Principle
- Open-Closed Principle: open to extension but close to modification,舉例來說當我想要擴建某個 function 的時候我應該要可以直接在 import code 那邊可以擴建而不是去更改 import 的 code
- Liskov Substitution Principle
- Interface Segregation: export code 的時候 require 必要的東西,剩下的 optional
- Dependency Inversion Principle: 大概是上層的模組不依賴下層的,而是用 interface 去實現兩個的接口(?) 介紹